John Schaefer is the Founder and President of Schaefer Recognition Group and has over 25 years of experience helping his clients improve communication, grow their culture and maximize the value of their investments in recognition, employee engagement and performance management.

With a background in Industrial Engineering, John has a unique approach to employee communications, building trust, reducing turnover and maximizing his client’s investments in people. He calls it “Making it Real” and writes about it in his 2005 book –

Get More Productivity for Less Money . . . Your Employees will Love You for It!
How to turn your existing recognition and incentive expenses into profits and prove it to your CFO.

The secret is pretty straight forward, says Schaefer. Keep it simple, make it believable, stay consistent and treat people like human beings first and employees second. If your employees like you and trust you, they’ll bring their 110% effort and be happy to do it. It’s truly that easy, but most companies fall short!

To hire John for help creating a Culture of Appreciation, Trust and Performance, building an effective engagement strategy or just to speak to your team about how to “Make it Real”, call (888) 646-6670 or email us at john@SchaeferRecognitionGroup.com. We’ll call to you to discuss timing, content, and cost.

John Schaefer has a great love of people and a fun, easy going, yet informative speaking style. He’s all about getting people nodding, smiling and thinking . . . “this guy gets me!” He can help you share your message along with his take on earning trust. implementing the proper logistics of a lasting and successful approach to recognition and helping you optimize your most important resource – people!

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